
Highly Efficient Transfer of Quantum State and Robust Generation of Entanglement State Around Exceptional Lines

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2023-12-07


Exceptional points (EPs) are non-Hermitian degeneracies or branch points where eigenvalues and their corresponding eigenvectors coalesce. Due to the complex non-trivial topology of Riemann surfaces associated with non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, the dynamical encirclement or proximity of EPs in parameter space has been shown to lead to topological mode conversions and some novel physical phenomena. In fact, degeneracies can also form continuous line geometries, which are called exceptional lines (ELs). The problem is whether the state transfer around the ELs can show different characteristics from the EPs, which is less explored. Here, novel properties of quantum state transfer around the ELs based on a quantum walk platform are explored. It is found that the evolutionary state around the ELs is independent of the initial state and evolution direction, and the transfer of quantum state is more efficient than the case around the EPs. Furthermore, based on such a property, an entangled state generation insensitive to the incident state is realized experimentally. The work opens up a new way for the application of non-Hermitian physics in the field of quantum information.