
No.447 The concept of the Landau order parameter for materials science problems

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2024-05-15

contact person: Jiafang Li

reporter: Mikhail V. Talanov

time: 2024-05-15

place: 物理实验中心229会议室




题目The concept of the Landau order parameter for materials science problems

报告人:Mikhail V. Talanov



摘要:The talk will report on the main theoretical and experimental results we have obtained in the field of understanding structure-property relationships in multi-sublattice crystals (perovskites, pyrochlores, etc.), with an emphasis on dielectric and ferroelectric properties.
The following main areas of application of group theory methods in materials science are identified and analyzed, for which knowledge about the symmetry of the order parameter plays a critical role: classification and identification of atomic [1] and magnetic structures [2], establishment of the symmetry hierarchy, paths and structural mechanisms of the formation of low-symmetry phases of crystals [1,3], multi-order analysis and search for hidden order in the structures of substances [4,5], description and interpretation of phase transitions [1-7], design of new materials with symmetry-sensitive properties [1,7]. It is shown that group-theoretical methods are a powerful (in many cases irreplaceable) tool for analyzing and predicting the crystal structures of materials.

[1] Talanov M.V. et al., 2021, Chem. Mater. 33. 2706

[2] Talanov M.V. et al., 2023, Acta Mater. 259. 119187

[3] Talanov M.V., 2019, Acta. Cryst. A 75. 379

[4] Talanov M.V. et al., 2018, Acta. Cryst. B 74. 337

[5] Talanov M.V., 2018, Cryst. Growth Des. 18. 3433

[6] Talanov M.V. et al., 2020, CrystEngComm. 22. 1176

[7] Talanov M.V. et al., 2022, Acta Mater. 227. 117734

简历Talanov M.V., born in 1988, entered the Faculty of High Technologies of Rostov State University (now Southern Federal University) in 2005, and graduated with honors in February 2011. Since 2008, in parallel with his studies at the Department of System Analysis and Management of the Faculty of High Technologies, he has been engaged in the development, creation and comprehensive research of multifunctional ferroelectric materials at the Research Institute of Physics of Southern Federal University. Since 2023, he has been working as a leading researcher in the Terahertz Spectroscopy Laboratory of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. For 2019-2024, 41 works were published in journals indexed by Scopus, of which 16 papers – in Q1 and Q2 journals, including the high-ranking journals Chemistry of Materials (IF = 9.5) and Acta Materialia (IF = 9.4, 3 articles); H-index (Scopus): 13.


邀请人: 李家方

