
Distinguished Scholars

Wanxiang Feng

Title: Professor


Department: Computational Physics

E-mail: wxfeng[at]

Address: School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China


Bachelor (2006) and Master (2009) in Physics, Jilin University, China;
Ph.D. (2012) in Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy Sciences, China

Professional experience

Assistant professor (2012), associate professor (2015), and full professor (2020) at School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Oversea Academic Visiting: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA (2011-2012), Taiwan University (2015, 2016), as an Alexander von Humboldt researcher in Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany (2017-2019).

Research Interests

I am engaged in research on computational condensed matter physics, utilizing methods such as first-principles calculations, Green's functions, Wannier functions, and group theory to study quantum functional materials and their anomalous transport properties. Quantum functional materials mainly include topological insulators, topological semimetals, chiral antiferromagnets, altermagnets, two-dimensional materials, etc. The anomalous transport properties studied include anomalous/spin Hall effects, anomalous/spin Nernst effects, anomalous thermal Hall effects, orbital Hall/Nernst effects, and linear and nonlinear magneto-optical effects.


Complete publication list and citation

Selected publications

[1] Xiaodong Zhou, Wanxiang Feng*, Run-Wu Zhang, Libor Šmejkal, Jairo Sinova, Yuriy Mokrousov, & Yugui Yao*, “Crystal Thermal Transport in Altermagnetic RuO2”, Phys. Rev. Lett. (Editors’ Suggestion) 132, 056701 (2024).

[2] Xiaodong Zhou, Run-Wu Zhang, Xiuxian Yang, Xiao-Ping Li, Wanxiang Feng*, Yuriy Mokrousov*, & Yugui Yao*, “Disorder- and Topology-Enhanced Fully Spin-Polarized Currents in Nodal Chain Spin-Gapless Semimetals”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 097201 (2022).

[3] Run-Wu Zhang, Xiaodong Zhou, Zeying Zhang*, Da-Shuai Ma, Zhiming Yu, Wanxiang Feng*, & Yugui Yao*, “Weyl Monoloop Semi-half-metal and Tunable Anomalous Hall Effect”, Nano Lett. 21, 8749 (2021).

[4] Wanxiang Feng, Jan-Philipp Hanke, Xiaodong Zhou, Guang-Yu Guo, Stefan Blügel, Yuriy Mokrousov, & Yugui Yao*, “Topological magneto-optical effects and their quantization in noncoplanar antiferromagnets”, Nat. Commun. 11, 118 (2020).

[5] Xiaodong Zhou, Jan-Philipp Hanke, Wanxiang Feng*, Fei Li, Guang-Yu Guo, Yugui Yao, Stefan Blügel, & Yuriy Mokrousov, “Spin-order dependent anomalous Hall effect and magneto-optical effect in the noncollinear antiferromagnets Mn3XN with X = Ga, Zn, Ag, or Ni”, Phys. Rev. B 99, 104428 (2019).

[6] Wanxiang Feng, Guang-Yu Guo*, Jian Zhou, Yugui Yao, & Qian Niu, “Large magneto-optical Kerr effect in noncollinear antiferromagnets Mn3X (X = Rh, Ir, Pt)”, Phys. Rev. B 92, 144426 (2015).

[7] Wanxiang Feng, Yugui Yao*, Wenguang Zhu, Jinjian Zhou, Wang Yao, & Di Xiao*, “Intrinsic spin Hall effect in monolayers of group-VI dichalcogenides: A first- principles study”, Phys. Rev. B 86, 165108 (2012).

[8] Wanxiang Feng, Jun Wen, Jinjian Zhou, Di Xiao, & Yugui Yao*, “First-principles calculation of Z2 topological invariants within the FP-LAPW formalism”, Comp. Phys. Comm. 183, 1849 (2012).

[9] Wanxiang Feng, Di Xiao*, Jun Ding, & Yugui Yao*, “Three-dimensional topological insulators in I-III-VI2 and II-IV-V2 chalcopyrite semiconductors”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 016402 (2011).

[10] Wanxiang Feng, Di Xiao, Ying Zhang, & Yugui Yao, “Half-Heusler topological insulators: A first-principles study with the Tran-Blaha modified Becke-Johnson density functional”, Phys. Rev. B 82, 235121 (2010).


We are recruiting 2-3 PhD students and postdoctoral researchers annually. Students interested in computational physics are welcome to contact me. Outstanding students who pass the interview may be pre-admitted. During their study, we will provide competitive research conditions and salary. International students are also welcome to join our research group.