
bat365正版官方网站“博约学术论坛” - Pablo Alonso Gonzalez-第423-425期

来源:段嘉华 作者:Pablo Alonso Gonzalez 研究员(西班牙奥维耶多大学) 发布时间:2023-11-27

邀请人: 段嘉华

报告人: Pablo Alonso Gonzalez 研究员(西班牙奥维耶多大学)

时间: 2023-11-27

地点: 线上, 腾讯会议号:411-633-2718





报告人:Pablo Alonso Gonzalez 研究员(西班牙奥维耶多大学)

间:三场报告:20231127日,20231130日,2023121日 下午1700

点:线上, 腾讯会议411-633-2718




Pablo Alonso Gonzalez 任职西班牙奥维耶多大学杰出研究员。2014年获西班牙皇家物理学会RSEF-BBVA青年物理学家奖,2021年获Falling Walls国际跨界创新科学突破大奖。主持多个欧盟科研项目,包括ERC Starting Grant (150万欧元)ERC Consolidator Grant (200万欧元)、玛丽居里项目(10万欧元)等。Pablo研究员是纳米光子学领域杰出的青年物理学家,长期从事纳米尺度上的光场调控研究,研究成果在纳米光子学领域引起了广泛关注,包括石墨烯等离激元的首次实空间成像[Nature 2012]、面内各向异性极化激元实空间成像[Nature 2018; Nature Materials 2020]、石墨烯等离激元波前操控[Science 2014]、石墨烯声学等离激元实空间成像[Nature Nanotechnology 2017]等。Pablo研究员共发表超过70篇研究论文,包括两篇Nature (第一/通讯作者)、一篇Science (第一作者)、三篇Nature Photonics、三篇Nature Materials、一篇Nature Nanotechnology (第一作者)、三篇Nature Communications (第一/通讯作者)、两篇Science Advances (通讯作者)等。其论文总引用数超过5000(Web of Science),在过去五年中以每年超过700次的速度增长,h-index30。在过去三年中,Pablo研究员受邀在多个国际学术会议中做邀请报告(超过三十次)


邀请人: 段嘉华



*TitleNanooptics with 2D materials

*Reporter Dr. Pablo Alonso Gonzalez

*Time5 pm in Beijing time on 27th Nov., 30th Nov., 1st Dec. 2023

*PlaceVoov Meeting 411-633-2718

*Contact Person: Jiahua Duan 13811465455


The advent of two-dimensional (2D) materials and their extraordinary optical properties has allowed the visualization of nanolight in the form of electrically tunable (active) plasmon polaritons in graphene or low-loss phonon polaritons in h-BN or alfa-MoO3, introducing a very encouraging arena for scientifically ground-breaking discoveries. In these talks I will show our latest studies on both the visualization and control of nanolight in 2D platforms.


Pablo Alonso-González holds a Distinguished Researcher position at the University of Oviedo (Spain) where he leads the Quantum Nanooptics Lab at the Department of Physics. He obtained his PhD degree in Physics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2009). From 2009 to 2015 he was post-doctoral researcher at the Nanooptics group at CIC nanoGUNE in San Sebastian (Basque Country, Spain). Alonso-González´s research activities are focused on materials science and nanophotonics with special emphasis on the study of the opto-electronic properties of novel 2D materials at the nanoscale. In 2014 he received the Spanish Royal Society of Physics (RSEF-BBVA) prize in the category of young experimental scientist, and in 2021 he was selected as a finalist for the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2021 in Physical Sciences. In 2016 and 2022 he was awarded by the European Research Council (ERC) with a Starting and a Consolidator Grant project, respectively.