
bat365正版官方网站“博约学术沙龙”系列报告 (总第 118期)

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2016-04-21



时间: 2016-04-21



时  间:   2016年4月21日(星期四)下午3:10
地  点:   中心教学楼610

报告一:博士生报告    时间:15:10-15:40
题  目:氧化锌基阻变开关及其特性研究
报告人:刘浩男                  指导老师: 王志

报告二:博士生报告    时间:15:40-16:10
题  目:Quantum process discrimination with information from environment
报告人:王元美                   指导老师: 李军刚
In the quantum metrology we usually extract information from the reduced probe system while ignore the information lost inevitably into the environment. However  K. MØlmer [Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 040401 (2015)] showed that the information lost into the environment has an important effect on improving the successful probability of quantum process discrimination. Here, we reconsider the model of a driven atom coupled to an environment and distinguish which of two candidate Hamiltonians governs the dynamics of the whole system. We mainly discuss two measure methods one of which only obtains information from the reduced atom state and the other obtains information from both the atom and its environment. Interestingly, we show that the two methods need different initial states of the atom to improve the discrimination probability. By comparing these two methods we find that the partial information from the environment is very useful.

报告三:博士生报告    时间:16:10-16:40
题  目: Realization of Hardy’s thought experiment with classical light
报告人:张雄                   指导老师: 张向东
We report the first realization of Hardy’s thought experiment in classical optical system. Two different classical optical experiments are implemented. One is based on orbital angular momentum (OAM) and polarization correlation in a classical optical beam, and the other one is based on non-local classical correlation from two separated classical optical beams. All experimental results show that they violate the local hidden-variable theory, which are analog to Hardy’s paradox experiments. It means that Hardy’s nonlocality proof without inequalities, which is usually used in quantum system to test the contradiction between quantum mechanism and local realism, can also be achieved in the classical optical system.