

来源:段嘉华 作者:Prof.Konstantin A. Motovilov (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology) 发布时间:2024-03-22

邀请人: 段嘉华

报告人: Prof.Konstantin A. Motovilov (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)

时间: 2024-03-22

地点: 京理工大学良乡校区,物理实验中心229会议室




题目:From bioorganic spin liquids to bio-derived superconductive materials: current state and perspectives of solid-state physics and biosynthesis conjugation

报告人:Prof.Konstantin A. Motovilov (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)




This year signifies 200th anniversary of the first synthesis of a biogenic compound from an inorganic precursor. It was the transformation of ammonium cyanate into urea performed by 24 years old Friedrich Wöhler. This synthesis was the first of a series of achievements by chemists that dealt a crushing blow to the so-called vitalism concept, which assumed that the synthesis of bioorganic materials and compounds is possible only by living organisms. At the present time, the total synthesis of the most complex natural bioorganic molecules from inorganic precursors, albeit with minimal reaction yield, is a common chemical practice. To a certain extent, we can now observe a picture opposite to that of Wöhler's time: among materials scientists and solid-state physicists, there is a widespread belief that living systems have limitations in their capabilities and cannot show the breadth and diversity of phenomena observed in abiogenic condensed phases. Usually this refers to certain manifestations of long-term quantum coherence: the formation of Bose condensates, superconductivity, superfluidity. This also includes magnetic ordering caused by exchange interaction. Indeed, except for the magnetic order, most of these phenomena manifest themselves under conditions far from physiological, either at ultra-low temperatures or at ultra-high pressures. However, research advances in recent years indicate that life is more complicated. To solve such physiological problems as the efficient capture of light quanta by photosynthetic antennas or orientation in the Earth's magnetic field using an entangled pair of spins in the cryptochrome protein, relatively short lifetimes of entangled quantum states are sufficient. The results of studies of so-called active media, the particles of which can move independently (or change various other characteristics) using the potential energy of the medium, speak in favor of the emergence in such systems of states similar in their manifestations to frustrated magnetic phases and other interesting topological systems. To realize this rich dynamic phenomenology, stationary states are required that are far from equilibrium with the environment, which is the key thermodynamical characteristic of living matter.

Natural bio-pigment material melanin has several properties unique to all bio-organics. It is a polyradical, demonstrating signs of a fairly strong exchange interaction between spins. The key function of melanin is the conversion of ionizing radiation into heat, that is, a stationary state with a high energy flow. In the first part of the seminar, we will discuss current data on the signatures of magnetic ordering in melanin and the possible physiological consequences of this phenomenology.

The second part of the seminar will focus on discussing the current state of biosynthesis of composite inorganic phases, specifically pnictides and chalcogenides of d-elements. The speaker will substantiate the possibility of industrial microorganisms synthesizing superconducting materials. We will propose considering physiological models for selecting microorganisms capable of synthesizing material with the required characteristics.


Konstantin A. Motovilov received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Chemistry of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia in 2009. Currently he leads the biophysical group at the terahertz spectroscopy laboratory of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The major area of his team interest is the relationship between the microscopic organization of water, proton and electron charge transfer and magnetic ordering in various bioorganic materials. The team’s key goal in the medium term is to create a platform for training industrial microorganisms to synthesize superconducting phases and enable natural selection mechanisms to obtain materials with the required parameters.


邀 请 人:段嘉华

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