
bat365正版官方网站“博约学术沙龙”系列报告第 125 期

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2016-11-01



时间: 2016-11-01



时  间:   2016年11月02日(星期三)下午15:00
地  点:   中心教学楼610
报告一:硕士生报告    时间:15:10-15:40
题  目: 微电极击穿特性的模拟研究
报告人: 马中霞        指导老师:何锋
摘要: 微放电是放电空间的一个维度被限制在一个亚毫米尺度内。微结构的击穿特性显著区别于常规空间尺寸下的放电结构,出现偏离帕邢曲线的现象。本文利用PIC/MCC模拟方法,对大气压氮气条件下的微电极放电进行了模拟研究。两直径10~100μm的电极丝置于介质板间,构成狭窄的微放电通道。通过模拟所得的电子密度、电场等物理量分布随放电的变化情况,分析了电极直径对击穿电压的影响。模拟结果表明,在相同电极间距下,当电极直径减小到10μm量级时,击穿电压将显著上升。

报告二:硕士生报告    时间:15:40-16:10
题  目: 低气压放电等离子体的静电探针诊断系统研究
报告人:岳云凤              指导老师: 彭祖林

报告三:硕士生报告    时间:16:10-16:40
题  目: The reduction of lasing threshold by protecting gas and the structure dependent visual lasing mode of various CdS microstructures  
报告人:  李亚                         指导老师:刘瑞斌
摘要:The lasing behaviours of semiconductor micro/nanostructures were studied in different gaseous surrounding, and the lasing threshold of the nanowire reduces from 10.5 MW/cm2 in air to 9.82 MW/cm2, 8.25 MW/cm2 and 7.22 MW/cm2 in Ar, N2 and He environment, respectively. It is attributed to the transient polarization of gas molecular. Moreover, the narrow-bandwidth lasing from the junction of comb-like microstructure is hard to realize compared to that in nanowire and nanobelt due to no good resonance cavities, and only amplified spontaneous emission was observed by the ICCD dynamic images of the photoluminescence. The PL spectra and ICCD dynamic images, as well lifetime measurement prove the occurrence of lasing in nanowires and nanobelts with the pumping power increase, which should originate from the exciton-electron scattering and the formation of EHP, respectively. The Whispering-Gallery-Mode lasing in nanowire and Fabry-Perot-Mode lasing in nanobelt were intuitively demonstrated by the ICCD images. The results provide one route to reduce the lasing threshold by the gas protection.