

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2019-01-04



时间: 2019-01-04



题目:Two indices Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model

报告人:叶锦武 教授(首都师范大学, Mississippi State university)

时  间:2019年1月9日(周三)上午 10:00
地  点:bat365正版官方网站中心教学楼501,良乡物理实验中心229转播

摘要:We study the original Sachdev-Ye (SY) model in its Majorana fermion representation which can be called the two indices Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. Its advantage over the original SY model in the SU(M)  complex fermion representation is that it need no local constraints, so a 1/M  expansion can be more easily performed.  Its advantage over the 4 indices Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model is that it has only two site indices $ J_{ij} $ instead of four indices  J_{ijkl} , so it may fit the bulk string theory better. We will review the most recent dramatic progress in SYK models, its impacts in string theory, quantum gravity, quantum information processing, Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis ( ETH ), many body localizations  etc. Then we will discuss several new features of the two indices SYK models such as its quantum spin glass instabilities,  new operator contents, its possible new gravity dual etc. We may also briefly discuss the random matrix classifications of quantum chaos in four indices colored SYK models and its possible connections to the classifications of topological phases of matter.

简历:叶锦武教授是美国耶鲁大学理论物理博士。他现在是首都师范大学长江学者教授和美国密西西比州立大学教授. 叶教授主要研究领域是强相互作用的电子, 玻色子, 自旋,光子等的合作现象和量子或拓扑相变理论,他的研究还涉及超对称性破缺,共形场论和各种量子或拓扑相的量子引力对偶。他也喜欢研究中国人民解放军的历史, 特别是开国战神粟裕的战略和战术对自然科学的指导作用.


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