

来源:李元昌 教授 作者:何宇驰 博士后(牛津大学) 发布时间:2023-11-15

邀请人: 李元昌 教授

报告人: 何宇驰 博士后(牛津大学)

时间: 2023-11-15

地点: 腾讯会议 会议号:827-918-339





报告人:何宇驰 博士后(牛津大学)


点:腾讯会议 会议号:827-918-339


转角石墨烯开启了转角电子学时代, 极大地提高了固体物理系统可调控性, 为强关联量子相和相变研究提供了绝佳的平台。 相比转角石墨烯复杂的多带描述,转角双层过渡金属二硫族化合物有着更为简洁的理论模型,一部分原因是自旋轨道耦合导致的自旋-能谷锁定。自旋轨道耦合也为在此系统中实现热稳定的反常量子霍尔效应提供了机制。

我们在理论上研究了此类系统的两个常见情况:有效三角格子系统和有效六角格子系统对于有效三角格子系统, 我们研究了半满情况下可能的的磁性序和量子自旋液体;也研究了范霍夫奇点附近的磁性序,为实验中未发现之前理论预测的反常量子霍尔效应做出了解释。对于有效六角格子系统,我们研究了整数和分数反常量子霍尔效应,为实验首次发现分数反常量子霍尔效应提供了理论支持。


2022- 牛津大学物理系 博后 导师:Siddharth A. Parameswaran

2020-2022 亚琛工业大学物理系 博后 导师:Dante M. Kennes, Volker Meden

2014-2020 卡内基梅隆大学物理系 博士 导师:Roger. S.K. Mong,肖笛

2010-2014 北京大学bat365正版官方网站 学士 导师徐莉梅,全海涛


邀请人:李元昌 教授



*TitleSymmetry-breaking and topological quantum phases in twisted bilayer

transition metal dichalcogenides

*ReporterYuchi He postdoc researcher University of Oxford

*Time2023, Nov15, 19:00

*PlaceConference Number: 827-918-339

*Contact Person: Yuanchang Li


The investigation of twisted bilayer graphene has opened a “twistronics era”, providing unprecedented tunability for solid-state systems and an excellent platform for strongly correlated quantum phases and their transitions. While twisted bilayer graphene requires involved multi-band descriptions, twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides can have simpler models partially because of the spin-valley locking induced by spin-orbit couplings. Spin-orbit couplings also promote thermal stability of anomalous (quantum) Hall effects.

We theoretically study two cases of twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides: (1) effective triangular systems and (2) effective honeycomb systems. For triangular systems, we study the magnetic orders and spin liquids could be realized for half-filling; we also study the magnetic orders at the van Hove filling, providing an explanation for the absence of the predicted anomalous quantum Hall effect in experiments. For honeycomb systems, we study integer and fractional quantum anomalous Hall effects, providing theoretical support for the ground-breaking experimental discovery of fractional quantum anomalous Hall effects.


2022- University of Oxford

Postdoc advisorSiddharth A. Parameswaran

2020-2022 RWTH Aachen

Postdoc advisorDante M. Kennes, Volker Meden

2014-2020 Carnegie Mellon University

PhD advisorRoger. S.K. Mong, Di Xiao

2010-2014 Peking University

BS advisorLimei Xu, Haitao Quan