

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2017-07-03



时间: 2017-07-03



  题目:What is spin?

  报告人:Prof. Dr. Werner A Hofer(Dean of Research and Innovation, Faculty of Science, Agriculture, and Engineering, Newcastle University, UK)

  时  间:2017年7月6日(周四)上午10:00

  地  点:bat365正版官方网站 中心教学楼610


  It has been found that a model of extended electrons is better suited to describe theoretical simulations and experimental results obtained via scanning tunnelling microscopes. However, while the dynamic properties are easily incorporated, magnetic properties, and in particular spin properties pose a problem. Electrons react with a magnetic field which means that spin has to have the properties of a vector. But electron spin is also isotropic, suggesting that it does not have the properties of a vector. This central conflict in the description of an electron’s spin is the root of many of the paradoxical properties measured and postulated for quantum spin particles. In a model in which the electron spin is described consistently in real three-dimensional space – an extended electron model – it can be demonstrated that spin may be described by a vector and still maintain its isotropy. In this framework, we re-evaluate the Stern–Gerlach experiments, the Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen experiments, and the effect of consecutive measurements and find in all cases a fairly intuitive explanation.


  Werner A Hofer is a theoretical physicist with a distinguished career in Chemistry and Physics. He graduated with a PhD in condensed matter theory in Vienna in 1999, was for three years a Postdoc at University College London, then Lecturer (2002), Reader (2005) and Professor (2006) at the University of Liverpool, where he was part of both departments, Physics and Chemistry. He is internationally recognized for his work in surface and interface physics and on fundamental problems in quantum mechanics. In both fields he has published extensively in scientific journals. He is at present also editor of a scientific journal, Surfaces and Interfaces by the publisher Elsevier.

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