

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2014-04-04



时间: 2014-04-04



报告1:Proton Spin Problem: Old Crisis and New Resolution
报告人:Prof. YongMing Cho
时  间:2014年4月8日上午9:30-10:30
地  点:中心教学楼610
摘要:Old controversy of canonical moment and kinematic momentum in gauge theory is reviewed, and a new resolution of the nucleon momentum and spin decomposition is proposed.
简历:Yongmin Cho教授是第三世界科学院院士,韩国科学院院士,亚太国际理论物理中心创始人,目前是韩国建国大学杰出讲席教授。长期从事理论物理研究,在统一场论、高能物理、广义相对论和宇宙论领域均作出了突出的成就。目前欧洲核子中心(CERN)计划在发现“上帝粒子”——Higgs粒子之后,建造新的探测器--MoEDAL,寻找Yongmin Cho教授预言的新粒子——Cho-Maison磁单极。这是世界上最大的粒子对撞机LHC在发现上帝粒子之后最重要的事件之一。如果Cho-Maison磁单极被证实,将是上帝粒子之后高能物理领域最重要的发现。
主要兼职情况: 1985  Chairman, Program Committee,XIVth Int’l Colloq on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics;1990  Council Member,Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies; 1992 Program Coordinator;XXIth Int’l Conf on Differential Geometric Methods in Physics;1996  Executive Director,Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP);1996  Chairman, International Organization Committee,APCTP Inauguration Conference;1996  Chairman, International Organization Committee,Pacific Conf on Gravitation and Cosmology;1997  Chairman, International Organization Committee,APCTP-ICTP Joint International Conference;2000  ICTP External Evaluater UNESCO;2008  Editor, Modern Physics Letters A,World Scientific Publishing;2009  External Examiner,Universiti Sains Malaysia。

报告2:Conditionally valid uncertainty relations and recent trends in the subject
报告人:Prof. Fujikawa
时  间:2014年4月8日上午10:30 - 11:30
地  点:中心教学楼610
摘要: This is mainly based on my recent paper (Phys. Rev.  A 88, 012126 (2013)) together with a brief comment on the recent trends of research on uncertainty relations.
邀请人:葛墨林 院士
简历:Kazuo Fujikawa
      RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako 351-0198, Japan
摘要:All the familiar uncertainty relations are derived from suitably defined Robertson’s relations using the assumptions of unbiased measurement and disturbance.
It is however shown that the well-defined unbiased measurement or disturbance of a dynamical variable is not maintained for the
precise measurement of the conjugate variable, independently
of uncertainty relations.
The conditionally valid uncertainty relations on the basis of those additional assumptions, which include most of the familiar Heisenberg-type relations, thus become singular for the precise measurement. The failure of a naive Heisenberg-type error-disturbance relation in the recent spin measurement is attributed to this singular behavior.
The recent trends in the subject, in particular, the “state independent” formulation of Heisenberg-type relation are briefly mentioned.
[1]K.Fujikawa, "Conditionally valid uncertainty relations", Phys. Rev.  A88, 012126 (2013).
[2] K. Fujikawa, "Heisenberg uncertainty relation revisited",
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 29, 1450016 (2014).