

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2018-04-17



时间: 2018-04-17



题目:Topological semimetals and their materials

报告人:翁红明  中科院物理所研究员

时  间:2018年4月25日(周三) 下午4:00

地  点:bat365正版官方网站中心教学楼610

摘要:Topological semimetals (TSMs), characterized by Weyl/Dirac nodes in the bulk and Fermi arcs on their surfaces, are new states of three-dimensional quantum matters. They represent the extension of the topological classification of matters from insulator to metal. The low energy excitation in Dirac/Weyl semimetals (WSM) behaves in the similar way as the massless Dirac/Weyl fermions described by Dirac/Weyl equation. The Weyl fermions have certain chirality and have not been discovered since Hermann Weyl proposed them nearly 88 years ago. The recent discovery of their quasiparticles in solids has inspired broad and intensive studies in the field of TSMs. Notably, the Lorentz invariance assumed in high-energy field theory is broken in solids, which leads to more unconventional quasiparticles beyond the traditional classification of Dirac-Weyl-Majorana fermions. This greatly enriches the quantum states of TSM family, including Node-Line semimetal, type-II WSM, multiple-degenerate nodal point semimetal, etc. In this talk, I will introduce our theoretical predictions of realistic materials to host these intriguing quantum states, as well as their experimental progresses. The TSM family and their relationship with each other are discussed and summarized.

简历:翁红明,中科院物理所研究员,博士生导师。2005年毕业于南京大学物理学系,获博士学位。2005~2010年,在日本留学、访问,先后任博士后、助理教授等,曾获日本学术振兴会(JSPS)博士后奖学金。2010年获物理所“百人计划”回国工作,2014年获基金委优秀青年基金资助,2017年获日本仁科纪念财团“仁科芳雄亚洲奖”和中科院青年科学家奖。主要从事计算凝聚态物理研究,发展新型材料计算方法和程序,应用于拓扑量子物态和拓扑材料计算等。迄今发表SCI论文110余篇,共被引用7800余次,单篇引用超100次的有17篇。“理论预言并实验发现外尔半金属”的工作入选英国物理学会《物理世界》2015年十大突破、入选美国物理学会《物理》2015年度八大亮点工作、入选2015年中国科学十大进展、入选2018年美国物理学会Physical Review系列期刊创刊125周年纪念文集。理论预言的三重简并点半金属被实验证实,入选2017年中国科学十大进展。

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