

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2013-03-28



时间: 2013-03-28



题 目:Atmospheric plasmas for biomedical applications: experiments and modelings

报告人:Prof. Jae Koo Lee

时 间:2013年3月28日(星期四)下午2:00

地 点:研究生教学楼208

Atmospheric-pressure plasmas (APPs) have attracted great interest and have been widely applied in biomedical applications, as due to their non-thermal and reactive properties, they interact with living tissues, cells and bacteria. Various types of plasma sources generated at atmospheric pressure have been developed to achieve better performance in specific applications. We will presents an overview of the general characteristics of APPs and a brief summary of their biomedical applications, and reviews a wide range of these sources developed for biomedical applications. The experiment and modeling of APPs for biomedical application are also discussed.


1979, Ph. D., University of California, Berkeley.
1979 to 1989, he was a Senior (later a Staff) Scientist on tokamak theory with General Atomics, San Diego, CA.
He is currently a Professor in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea.
Research interests
The research interests of Professor LEE are in low-temperature and high-temperature (fusion) plasma physics, coherent radiation source (FEL and CARM), and computational methods. Recent research has been in the modeling of low-temperature high pressure plasmas for biomedical applications, experiments and modelings.
Professional societies
Member, Intern. Adv. Program Committees, ICPP(Int. Conf. Plasma. Phys)
Member, Program Committee, Gordon Research Conf. on Plasma Processing: Invited Talk(2002)
Member, Program Committee, American Vacuum Society: Invited Talk(2004)
Fellow, American Physical Society (Plasma Physics Division) : Invited Talk(2005)
Member, IEEE (Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society) : Plenary and Invited Talks (6/2000, 6/2003)
Member, Korea Physical Society (Plasma Physics Division, Past Chair 1998-2000)
Member, Korea Accelerator and Plasma Research Association
List of Journal Publications:
1. J.H. Choi, H.Wk Lee, J.K. Lee, J.W. Hong, G.C. Kim, "Low-temperature atmospheric plasma increases the exppression of anti-aging genes of skin cells without causing cellular damages ", Arch. Dermatol. Res 133-4, 305(2) (2013)
2. G.J. Kim, S.R. Park, G.C. Kim, J.K. Lee, "Targeted cancer treatment using anti-EGFR and -TFR antibody conjugated gold nanoparticles stimulated by non-thermal air plasma", Plasma Medicine 1, 45-54 (2011).
3. G.J. Kim, W. Kim, K. T. Kim, and J.K. Lee, "DNA damage and mitochondria dysfunction in cell apoptosis induced by nonthermal air plasma", Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 021502 (2010).
4. G.C. Kim, G.J. Kim, S.R. Park, S.M. Jeon, H.J. Seo, F. Iza, and J.K. Lee, "Air plasma coupled with antibody-conjugated nanoparticles: a new weapon against cancer", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 032005 (2009).
5. M.Y. Choi,I.G. Koo, P.Y. Kim,S.K. Kang,Y.S. Kim,J.C. Jung, George J. Collins, "Helium/H2O2 Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Assisted Electrosurgery", Plasma Process. Polym. (2012).
6. J.C. Jung, I.G. Koo, M.Y. Choi, Z. Yu, M.S. Kim, George J. Collins, "An Electrical Thrombectomy Device Using Plasma Created Chemistry in a Saline Environment to Dissolve Vascular Clots", Plasma Process. Polym. (2012)
7. M.S. Kim, I.G. Koo, M.Y. Choi, J.C. Jung, Fathala Eldali, J.K. Lee, George J. Collins, "Correlated Electrical and Optical Studies of Hybrid Argon Gas-Water Plasmas and their Application to Tooth Whitening", Plasma Process. Polym. (2012). 
8. Y.S. Seo, H.W. Lee, Abdel-Aleam H. Mohamed, and J.K. Lee, "Correlation of Striated Discharge Patterns With Operating Conditions in Helium and Argon Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jets", IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 39, 2324 (2011).
9. Jun Choi, Abdel-Aleam H. Mohamed, Sung Kil Kang, Kyung Chul Woo, Kyong Tai Kim, and Jae Koo Lee, "900-MHz Nonthermal Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet for Biomedical Applications", Plasma Process. Polym. 7, 258-63 (2010).
10. J. Choi, F. Iza, H.J. Do, J.K. Lee, and M.H. Cho, "Microwave-excited atmospheric pressure microplasmas based on a coaxial transmission line resonator", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 18, 025029 (2009).
11. S.K. Kang, M.Y. Choi, I.G. Koo, Paul Y. Kim, Y.S. Kim, G.J. Kim, A-A. H. Mohamed, George J. Collins and J.K. Lee, "Reactive hydroxyl radical-driven oral bacteria inactivation by radio frequency atmospheric plasma" Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 143702 (2011).
12. Y.S. Seo, H.Wk. Lee, H.C. Kwon, J. Choi, S.M. Lee, K.C. Woo, K.T. Kim and J.K. Lee, "A study on characterization of atmospheric pressure plasma jets according to the driving frequency for biomedical applications" Thin Solid Films, 519 7071-7078 (2011).
13. H.C. Kwon, H.Y. Kim, I.H. Won, H.Wk. Lee, H.K. Shin, and J.K. Lee, "Enhanced transportation of energetic electrons in dual-frequency atmospheric microplasmas", Phys. Plasmas 20, 023506 (2013)
14. H.Y Kim,H.W. Lee, S.K. Kang, H.Wk. Lee, G.C. Kim and J.K. Lee, "Modeling the chemical kinetics of atmospheric plasma for cell treatment in a liquid solution", Phys. Plasmas 19, 073518 (2012)
15. H.C. Kwon, I.H. Won, J.K. Lee, "Electron heating mode transition induced by ultra-high frequency in atmospheric microplasmas for biomedical applications", Applied Physics Letters 100, 183702 (2012)
16. H.W. Lee, G.Y. Park, Y.S. Seo, Y.H. Im, S.B. Shim and H.J. Lee, "Modelling of Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas for Biomedical Applications", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44, 053001 (2011)
17. S.M. Lee, Y.J. Hong, Y.S. Seo, F. Iza, G.C. Kim, and J.K. Lee, "Simulations of biomedical atmospheric-pressure discharges", Comp. Phys. Comm. 180, 636 (2009).
18. G.J. Kim, F. Iza, and J.K. Lee, "Field emission and lifetime of microcavity plasma", Phys. Plasma. 16, 013502 (2009).
19. F. Iza, J.K. Lee, and M.G. Kong, "Electron Kinetics in Radio-Frequency Atmospheric-Pressure Microplasmas", Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 075004 (2007)
20. G.Y. Park, S.J. Park, M.Y. Choi, I.G. Koo, J.H. Byun, J.W. Hong, J.Y. Sim, G.J. Collins and J.K. Lee, "Atmospheric-Pressure Plasmas Sources for Biomedical Applications", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 21, 043001 (2012).
21. H.W. Lee, G.Y. Park, Y.S. Seo, Y.H. Im, S.B. Shim and H.J. Lee, "Modelling of Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas for Biomedical Applications", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44, 053001 (2011).
22. F. Iza, G.J. Kim, S.M. Lee, J.K. Lee, J. L. Walsh, Y. T. Zhang and M.G. Kong, "Microplasmas: Sources, Particle Kinetics, and Biomedical Applications", Plasma Process. Polym. 5, 322 (2008).
23. H.C. Kwon, Aman-Ur Rehman, I.H. Won, W.T. Park, and J.K. Lee, "Negative resistance phenomenon in dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition system for photovoltaic manufacturing process", J. Appl. Phys. 111, 023305 (2012).
24. S.J. You, G.Y. Park, J.H. Kwon, J.K. Kim, H.Y. Chang, J.K. Lee, D.J. Seong and Y.H. Shin, "Evolution of electron temperature in low pressure magnetized capacitive plasma", Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 101504 (2010).
25. G.Y. Park, S.J. You, F. Iza, and J.K. Lee, "Abnormal heating of low-energy electrons in low-pressure capacitively coupled discharges", Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 085003 (2007).
26. H.C. Kim and J.K. Lee, "Mode transition induced by low-frequency current in dual-frequency capacitive discharges", Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 085003 (2004).
27. H.C. Kim, J.K. Lee, and J.W. Shon, "Discharge asymmetry induced by the pulsed radio-frequency current", Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 864 (2004).
28. Y.J. Hong, H.S. Ko, G.Y. Park, and J.K. Lee, "Kinetic plasma simulations for three dielectric etchers", Comp. Phys. Comm. 177, 122 (2007).
29. S.H. Lee, S.M. Choi, and J.W. Shon, "Two-dimensional fluid simulation of VHF-ICP source with parallel resonance antenna", Comp. Phys. Comm. 177, 133 (2007).
30. S.M. Choi, S.H. Lee, J.K. Lee, K.N. Kim, and G.Y. Yeom,"Two-dimensional fluid simulation of large-area plasma source with parallel resonance antenna", Comp. Phys. Comm. 177, 126 (2007).
31. K.N. Kim, J.H. Lim, G.Y. Yeom, S.H. Lee, and J.K. Lee, "Effect of dual frequency on the plasma characteristics in an internal linear inductively coupled plasma source", Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 251501 (2006).
32. K.N. Kim, S.J. Jung, Y.J. Lee, G.Y. Yeom, S.H. Lee, and J.K. Lee, "Low-impedance internal linear inductive antenna for large-area flat panel display plasma processing", J. Appl. Phys. 97, 063302 (2005).
33. Branislav Radjenovic, J.K. Lee, and Marija Radmilovic-Radjenovic, "Sparse field set method for non-convex Hamiltonians in 3D plasma etching profile simulations", Computer Phys. Communications 174, 127 (2006).
34. F. Iza and J.K. Lee, "Low-pressure plasma generation inside slender tubes", Comp. Phys. Comm. 177, 72 (2007).
35. S.H. Lee, S.J. You, H.Y. Chang, and J.K. Lee, "Electron and ion kinetics in magnetized capacitively coupled plasma source", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 25(3), 455 (2007).
36. G.J. Kim and J.K. Lee, "Pendulum Electrons in Micro Hollow Cathode Discharges", IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 36(4), 1238 (2008).


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