
Simulation of Wu-Yang monopole in superfluid——bat365正版官方网站“博约学术沙龙”系列报告 (总第 116期)

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2016-04-04



时间: 2016-04-04



bat365正版官方网站“博约学术沙龙”系列报告 (总第 116期)

时  间:   2016年4月7日(星期四)下午15:10
地  点:   中心教学楼610

报告一:博士生报告    时间:15:10-15:40
题  目:Simulation of Wu-Yang monopole in superfluid
报告人:马艺荣                   指导老师: 赵清

摘要:By identifying the SchrÖdinger equation for ψ(r,t) = φ(r,t)eiS(r,t) and v = (h/µ)∇S(r,t) with the hydrodynamic equations with the quantum pressure, we show that the effective potential should be introduced in the SchrÖdinger equation. Due to existing the pressure in the hydrodynamic equations, it turns out that the effective potential is nothing but exactly the Wu-Yang monopole potential for the pure gauge solution of the hydrodynamic equations. The incompressibility will limit the physical models, such as hard core and harmonic oscillator model for Bose-Einstein condensate(BEC). The results provide a new thought for the simulation of the Wu-Yang monopole.

报告二:博士生报告    时间:15:40-16:10
题  目:Modulation of the localized surface plasmon resonance for an array of Ag nanostructures layered with nematic liquid crystals
报告人:  尚真真                指导老师: 邓罗根

摘要:The sensitivity of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) for an array of Ag (silver) nanostructures layered with nematic liquid crystals (NLC) is investigated using finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method under different geometric and environmental parameters. Results show that the LSPR wavelength of the structure can be controlled through the rotation of optical-axis of liquid crystal, the thickness of liquid crystal layer, the rotation of location of the whole array, the period and the size of the structure, and is tuned to the infrared wavelength range. Compared to the optical-axis of liquid crystal is in the   plane, the LSPR sensitivity is much higher when the optical-axis is in the   plane, and the improved LSPR sensitivity is obtained in this study.

报告三:博士生报告    时间:16:10-16:40
题  目:Magnetic response at visible and near-infrared frequencies from black phosphorus sheet arrays
报告人:王铁成                   指导老师: 张向东

摘要:We study theoretically optical properties of black phosphorus (BP) sheet arrays being embedded in the dielectric multilayer structure using transfer-matrix method. It is found that the dielectric multilayer structures containing BP sheet arrays can exhibit rich optical properties. In some frequency regions, strong anisotropy appears for the scattering and absorption of polarized waves. Thus, they can be used as the selective absorption materials for two kinds of polarized wave. In contrast, in some visible and near-infrared frequency regions, low absorption and strong magnetic response have been observed. This means that they can be also used as good magnetic response materials at visible and near-infrared frequencies. Our results could find applications in various control of polarized waves.

报告四:博士生报告    时间:16:40-17:10
题  目:  螺旋波等离子体源实验特性研究 
报告人:  赵高                           指导老师:欧阳吉庭

摘要:螺旋波等离子体,一种新一代的低温高密度等离子体源,已在材料改性、表面处理以及空间推进领域表现出了巨大的潜力。特别是因为其约束磁场低,可承受大功率放电,自我可形成无电流双层,因此在空间推进方面受到青睐。但是人们对于螺旋波形成的物理机理、射频功率耦合到等离子体中的物理方式以及一些物理现象仍然没有合理的解释, 对于螺旋波等离子体高电离机理尚没有统一认识.因此对其物理表象行为规律的研究成为及其重要同时也及具挑战性的课题。采用多种检测手段,如:Langmuir 探针OES以及集成电荷耦合检测器 (ICCD),对不同参数的氩气放电等离子体进行诊断发现:射频补偿 Langmuir探针数据确保了放电模式的产生和转化;原子发射光谱的OES数据对不同放电模式间的转化进行了验证。ICCD数据结合探针及OES测量结果进行比较,进一步对探讨了螺旋波放电的产生和转变机理。