

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2017-07-08



时间: 2017-07-08



  题目:Nonplanar aromatic molecules at surfaces: self-assembly, spin filtering and molecular motors

  报告人:Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Ernst(Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland)

  时  间:2017年7月10日(周一)上午10:00

  地  点:bat365正版官方网站 中心教学楼610


  Molecular recognition among chiral molecules on surfaces is of paramount importance in biomineralization, enantioselective heterogeneous catalysis, and for the separation of chiral molecules into their two mirror-image isomers (enantiomers) via crystallization or chromatography. Understanding the principles of molecular recognition in general, however, is a difficult task and calls for investigation of appropriate model systems. One popular approach is thereby studying intermolecular interactions on well-defined solid surfaces, which allows in particular the use of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Examples of chiral amplification via the so-called ‘sergeant-and-soldiers’ effect as well as manipulation of chiral adsorbates via inelastic electron tunneling will be presented. In a Pasteur-type experiment at the nanoscale, molecules that constitute a dimer are spatially separated with a molecular STM tip and their absolute handedness is determined with submolecular resolution STM. Moreover, we report spin-dependent filtering of electrons by monolayers of these helical molecules. Finally the first successful electrical current- driven, unidirectional motion of a synthetic molecule will be presented.


  Karl-Heinz Ernst,瑞士联邦材料科学与技术实验室高级科学家,苏黎世大学教授。1990年德国柏林自由大学获博士学位,1992年加入瑞士联邦材料科学与技术实验室。曾为美国华盛顿大学、德国柏林自由大学、美国IBM实验室(Almaden
)访问学者。 长期从事有机功能分子在固体表面的自组装结构和物性调控研究,在手性识别和分离、有机纳米机器等方面取得了一系列创造性成果,其有机纳米马达相关成果曾被2016年诺贝尔化学奖评审委员会在公布获奖人名单时提及。在Nature、Nature chemistry、PRL、JACS、Angew. Chem.、NanoLett.等期刊发表论文130多篇,他引3500多次,h-index为35。在国际学术会议上作邀请报告200多次。先后担任CHIMIA 
、Surface Science 
、Helvetica Chimica Acta 等学术期刊编委,并曾多次组织和主持国际学术会议。

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  邀请人:肖文德 副教授

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