
Spin-Orbit Coupled Atomic Fermi Gases

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2015-04-09



时间: 2015-04-09



第99期     (2015年第4期)

Title:Spin-Orbit Coupled Atomic Fermi Gases
报告人:崔靖鑫 博士 (香港中文大学)
时   间:2015年4月8日(周三)上午10:00;
地   点:中心教学楼610
 Following unprecedented experimental development, spin-orbit coupled atomic gases have attracted much attention in recent years. Due to the spin-orbit coupling effect, atomic gases exhibit many new important properties. Topological superfluid and Majorana fermions have been predicted in this system. Also, as spin-orbit atomic gases are easy to control in experiment, they can be used to simulate other important physical phenomena, such as topological insulators. They are also important resources for topological quantum computing.
In this presentation, we mainly study the quantum effect of ultracold spin-orbit atomic Fermi gases. Firstly, we study the validity of the single channel model for a spin-orbit-coupled atomic Fermi gas near Feshbach resonances. It is widely accepted, in cases without spin-orbit coupling, that when the channel coupling between the closed and the open channels is strong, the two-channel model is equivalent to the single-channel model. However, in the presence of spin-orbit coupling, we find that the condition for the equivalence becomes much more stringent and is related to the strength of the spin-orbit coupling. We give new criteria for the equivalence in the presence of spin-orbit coupling and give a scheme for experiment testing. Secondly, we study the momentum-resolved radio frequency spectroscopy of spin-orbit atomic Fermi gases in a two-dimension optical lattice. Momentum-resolved radio frequency spectroscopy is a powerful tool to probe single-particle energies and eigenstates. We also find an interesting spin-momentum reversed symmetry from the momentum-resolved radio frequency spectroscopy and prove it theoretically



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