

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2012-02-20



时间: 2012-02-20



题 目: Weyl symmetric structure of vacuum and origin of color confinement
报告人: Dmitriy Grigorievich Pak, Professor, Senior Research Scientist
单 位: Lab. of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Applied Physics National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Vuzgorodok 3A, 700174, Uzbekistan 
时间: 2012年2月28日14:00
地 点: 中心教学楼701

摘 要: We consider Weyl symmetric structure of the classical vacuum in SU(3) quantum chromodynamics in the framework of formalism based on Cho-Duan Abelian projection. The topological vacuum structure can be described in terms of Killing vectors on group SU(3) which are classified by third homotopy group /pi_3 (SU(3)/U(1)/times U(1)). One can select classical vacuums forming sextet representation of the Weyl group. An interesting feature of SU(3) gauge theory is that it admits a non-trivial Weyl symmetric vacuum contrary to the case of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. A non-trivial manifestation of Weyl symmetry can be demonstrated on monopole solutions which are classified by two topological numbers. We construct a family of finite energy monopole solutions in Yang-Mills-Higgs theory which includes Weyl sextet monopole representation. From the analysis of classical vacuum structure and monopole solutions we suppose that similar Weyl symmetric vacuum structure should be realized in quantum theory. Possible relationship between Weyl symmetric structure of quantum QCD vacuum and origin of color confinement is discussed.

简 历: Education 1989 PhD in Physics and Mathematics (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences), Uzbekistan National University 1981 M.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Uzbekistan National University Graduated with Diploma of Excellence Fellowships and awards 2011-2012 Special Professorship from Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2002 Nomination in title "Man Of The Year 2002", Honor medal, American Biographical Inst., Raleigh, U.S.A. 1999 - 2001 Research Fellowship in APCTP (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics) Seoul, KOREA Fields of research interests 1. Quantum gravity, cosmology of early universe, unified models; 2. Quantum field theory, QCD, standard model; 3. Supersymmetry, quantum groups, non-commutative geometry. Current research activity: 1. Quantum gravity at Planckian scale, Weyl and Rieamann-Cartan geometry; 2. Space-time vacuum tunneling in Einstein and Riemann-Cartan gravities, gravitational instantons; 3. Effective action in quantum field theories, QCD vacuum, confinement problem. Selected papers 1. Y.M. Cho, D.G. Pak, Vacuum tunneling in gravity, Class.Quant. Grav. 28 (2011) 155008. 2. S.W. Kim, D. G. Pak, Torsion as a dynamic degree of quantum gravity, Class.Quant.Grav.25 (2008) 065011. 3. Y. M. Cho, D. G. Pak, A Convergent Series for the QED effective action, Phys.Rev.Lett. 86 (2001) 1947. Publications: 1. Y.M. Cho, D.G. Pak, Vacuum tunneling in gravity, Class.Quant. Grav. 28 (2011) 155008. 2. D. G. Pak, Confinement, vacuum structure: from QCD to Quantum Gravity, Nucl.Phys.A844:115-119, 2010. 3. Y.M. Cho, D.G. Pak, B.S. Park, A minimal model of Lorentz gauge gravity with dynamical torsion, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A25 (2010) 2867; arXiv:0911.3688. 4. S.W. Kim, D. G. Pak, Torsion as a dynamic degree of quantum gravity, Class.Quant.Grav.25:065011,2008. 5. D.G. Pak, On P_T-distribution of gluon production rate in constant chromoelectric field, Mod.Phys.Lett.A22:2885-2891,2007; hep-th/0702095. 6. Y.M. Cho, J.H. Kim, D.G. Pak, QCD effective action with a most general homogeneous field background, Mod. Phys. Lett. A21, 2789-2797, 2006. 7. Y.M. Cho, D.G. Pak, M.L. Walker, Light propagation effects in QED: Effective action approach, Phys.Rev.D73:065014, 2006. 8. Y. M. Cho, D. G. Pak, Stable Monopole-Antimonopole String Background in SU(2) QCD, Phys. Lett B632, pp. 745, 2006. 9. B. A. Fayzullaev, M. M. Musakhanov, D. G. Pak, M. Siddikov, Knot soliton in Weinberg-Salam model, Phys.Lett. B609 (2005) 442-448, hep-th/0412282. 10. Y. M. Cho, M. L. Walker, D. G. Pak, Monopole Condensation and Dimensional Transmutation in SU(2) QCD, JHEP 05 (2004) 073, hep-th/0209208 . 11. Y.M. Cho, D. G. Pak, Monopole Condensation in SU(2) QCD, Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 074027, hep-th/0201179. 12. M. Cho, H. W. Lee, D. G. Pak, Faddeev-Niemi conjecture and effective action of QCD, Phys.Lett. B525 (2002) 347-354, hep-th/0105198. 13. W. S. Bae, Y. M. Cho, D. G. Pak, Electric-Magnetic Duality in QED Effective Action, Phys.Rev. D64 (2001) 017303. 14. Y. M. Cho, D. G. Pak, A Convergent Series for the QED effective action, Phys.Rev.Lett. 86 (2001) 1947. 15. Y. M. Cho, D. G. Pak, Magnetic Confinement in QCD, J. Korean Phys.Soc. 38 (2001) 151-154. 16. D.G. Pak, Differential calculus on the quantum group SUq(2) consistent with gauge transformations, Theor.Math.Phys., 1998, V.116:(2), 947-955. 17. B.M. Zupnik, D.G. Pak, Differential and integral forms in supergauge theories and supergravities, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 1989, Vol.6, 723-729. 18. B.M. Zupnik, D.G. Pak, Superfield formulation of simple three-dimensional gauge theories and conformal supergravities, J. of Theor. and Math. Phys. 1988, v.77, 97-106. 19. B.M. Zupnik, D.G. Pak, Topologically massive gauge theories in superspace, Izvestiya VUZov SSSR. Ser.Fizika (Soviet journal), 1988, No.12, 13-17. 20. B.M. Zupnik, D.G. Pak, Superfield methods of quantization in supergravity, Yadernaya Fizika, 1985, vol.42, 710-719.

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