

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2012-02-15



时间: 2012-02-15



题 目: Frame quantization of exploring the world in the manner of a starfish
报告人: Jean-Pierre Gazeau, Professor of Physics
单 位: Astroparticles and Cosmology Laboratory, University Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cite, France
时 间: 2012年2月18日9:00
地 点: 中心教学楼701

摘 要: Starting with the example of a five-fold frame for the plane (e.g. sea star), we explain the powerful role that coherent states (CS) or frames can play in quantizing any set equipped with a measure. This CS quantization is illustrated with the standard case involving Glauber CS and yielding the canonical quantization, and with CS on the circle, leading in particular to quantization of action and angle variables. We then describe a general method of quantization of (un-)bounded motions with (pseudo-)action-angle coherent states and based on a probabilistic Bayesian approach.

简 历: Honours, Fellowships: 1. Vice-President of the University Paris 7-Denis Diderot (92-97) 2. President of the Section 29, Elementary constituents, of the French National Committee of the Universities (03-07) and President of the Group VI (Section 28, Condensed Matter, Section 29, Section 30, Atomic&Molecular Physics and Optics) (05-07) 3. Fellow of the Institute of Physics (04-) 4. Member of the Editorial Panel of the Journal of Physics A: Math. and General (03-) 5. Felber Medal granted by the Czech Technical University, Prague (September 1, 2005) 6. Associate member of the Mathematical Physics Laboratory of the Centre de Recherches Mathematiques of the University of Montreal (05-) 7. Member of the Scientific Council of the Doppler Institute, Prague (06-) 8. Member of the Council of the Laboratory Astroparticle and Cosmology, Paris (10-) 9. Chairman of the Selection Committee for the Hermann Weyl Prize (2006) 10. Member of the Scientific Council of the University Diderot Paris 7 (2008-) 11. Chairman of the Standing Committee of the International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (ICGTMP) (2008-) Publications: Around 160 publications (including 2 author books, more than 20 chapters or invited contributions in books, and 88 articles in International Journals with Referee). Co-editor of 7 volumes of Proceedings of International Meetings or Schools.

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