
Low-dimensional systems studied by STM-bat365正版官方网站“博约学术论坛”系列报告第62期

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2015-01-27



时间: 2015-01-27



第62期     (2015年第4期)
Title:Low-dimensional systems studied by STM
报告人:Harold J.W. Zandvliet 教授 (University of Twente,荷兰)
时   间:2015年1月26日(周一)下午4:00;
地   点:中心教学楼610
Scanning tunneling microscopy is the ideal technique to explore the structural and electronic properties of low-dimensional electron system. In this talk I will address 1D as well as 2D electron systems. 1D electron systems: metallic nanowires show unique physical properties owing to their one-dimensional nature. Many of these unique properties are intimately related to electron-electron interactions, which play a much more prominent role in one dimension than in two or three dimensions. I will briefly review our work on Pt, Au and Ir atom chains on Ge(001) surfaces [1-3] and single molecule transport [4].2D electron systems: I will show that the deposition of several monolayers of Pt on Ge(110) followed by annealing at 1100 K results in the formation of three-dimensional eutectic GePt nanocrystals. Upon cooling down these eutectic GePt nanocrystals phase separate into pure Ge2Pt and Ge phases. The Ge segregrates towards the surface and forms a germanene layer [5]. The germanene honeycomb lattice is composed of two hexagonal sub-lattices that are displaced vertically by 0.2 Å. The nearest-neighbor distance of the atoms in the honeycomb lattice is 2.50.1 Å, i.e. very close to the predicted nearest-neighbor distance in germanene.
Curriculum Vitae
Harold J.W. Zandvliet (July 22th 1963, Haarlem) earned a MSc degree with the highest distinction in Applied Physics at the University of Twente in June 1986. In 1990 (April 6th) he obtained his PhD on a thesis entitled “Surface States and Related Phenomena on Clean Germanium Surfaces” at the University of Twente. He then joined the Philips Research in Eindhoven, where he worked as a permanent scientific staff member. At Philips he was member of a small team that has built one of the first high-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopes in the world. In April 1992 he returned to the University of Twente to become an assistant professor and later associate professor. In 2002 he spent a sabbatical at the Max Planck Institute Stuttgart in the group of Prof. Kern. Since June 2005 he is a full professor of the Faculty of Science and Technology. In 2008 he spent a second sabbatical at the Forschungszentrum Jülich in the group of Prof. Waser. Harold Zandvliet is a member of the editorial board of Journal of Physics Condensed Matter since January 2007 and since January 2010 he serves as chief Editor of the Surface, Interface and Atomic-Scale Science section. He is also member of the advisory editorial board of Applied Surface Science. Harold Zandvliet has published more than 200 peer reviewed ISI papers and is an elected Fellow of the IOP (Institute of Physics).
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