

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2013-12-20



时间: 2013-12-20



题 目:Investigation of terahertz surface plasmon 

报告人:何晓勇 博士 

时 间:2013年12月23日(星期一)下午2:00  

地 点:中心教学楼610  


Terahertz (THz) waves show great potential in many scientific research and application fields, such as free space communication, environmental sensing, medical imaging, and biology detection. Besides radiation sources and detectors, THz waveguide propagation methods devices, such as modulators, filters and polarizers, are also of very importance. THz waveguides also closely related to the applications of surface plasmons (SPs), which are quasi two dimensional electromagnetic excitations bounded to the metal-dielectric interface, exhibiting subwavelength confinement. Additionally, with the merits of high carrier mobility and strong interaction with light in broad frequency regimes, Graphene has attracted considerable attention for in fundamental physics and practical applications. It can be regarded as an alternative to traditional metallic materials and serve as a good platform for SPs. For instance, graphene SPsshows strong confinement and relatively long propagation. Furthermore, its plasmonic properties can be tuned through electric field, magnetic field or chemical doping.    


何晓勇,1979年3月出生,2007年在中科院上海微系统所获得博士学位。2007年7月至2011年3月在河南工业大学工作。2011年4月-2012年9月在南洋理工大学做博士后,2012年10月-至今在韩国亚洲大学(Ajou University)做博士后。近年来主要研究方向为太赫兹光电子学、表面等离子激元(Surface Plasmons)、石墨烯光电子和新型超材料物理与器件。 近年来,在IEEE JSTQE、IEEE JQE、Opt. Express、J. Appl. Phys. 和 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B等杂志上发表SCI论文二十多篇,并为Laser & Photonics Rev., Appl. Phys. Lett., New J. Phys., J. Phys. D 等国际著名期刊审稿二十多篇。  

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