
KCBS inequality experimental test based on classical optical correlation

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2016-04-15



时间: 2016-04-15



时  间:   2016年4月14日(星期四)下午3:10
地  点:   中心教学楼610

报告一:博士生报告    时间:15:10-15:40
题  目:KCBS inequality experimental test based on classical optical correlation
报告人:李涛                   指导老师: 张向东
摘要:Contextuality and nonlocality are two important aspects in quantum theory. The nonlocality is tested by Bell scenario. The simplest Bell-type inequality violated by quantum mechanics is the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) inequality. Kochen and Specker found the KS paradox based on contextuality. The Klyachko-Can-Binicioglu-Shumovsky (KCBS) inequality is the simplified version of KS scenario and has been proved by some single photo experiments. Recently the classical optical correlation has been researched largely. We study experimentally the KCBS inequality with classical optical. The classical optical correlation is analogous to quantum correlation. It can also violate the KCBS inequality and has the contextuality property. The classical optical contextuality has potential application in security communication and massive computation.

报告二:博士生报告    时间:15:40-16:10
题  目:基于轨道角动量光的量子逻辑门的设计与优化
报告人: 曾强                  指导老师: 张向东
摘要:We propose and experimentally demonstrate an optimized setup to implement quantum controlled-NOT operation using polarization and orbital angular momentum qubits. This device is more adaptive to inputs with various polarizations, and is valid both in classical and quantum single-photon regime. The logic operations performed by such a setup not only possess characters of high stability and polarization-independency, they can also be easily extended to deal with multi-qubit input states due to the highdimensional space we introduce. As an example, the experimental implementation of generalized three-qubit Toffoli gate has been presented.

报告三:博士生报告    时间:16:10-16:40
题  目:Monte Carlo simulations of Ka source generated by hot electrons-nanobrush target interactions
报告人:赵金翠                   指导老师: 刘杰
摘要:We focus on the transport processes from hot electrons to Ka x-ray emission in a copper nanobrush target. The physics on the enhancement of Ka photon yield and conversion efficiency from laser to Ka x-ray is studied by combining Monte Carlo simulations and previous particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation results. Compared to a normal planar target, higher laser absorption and more collimated hot electrons from the structured nanobrush surface can lead to more Ka photons and higher Ka emission efficiency in the experiments. Simulation results show that the hot electron beam impacts the nanobrush target producing Ka photons with the yield of  when the electron temperature is 400 keV. With the electron beam emission angles amplifying, Ka photon yield and electron-photon conversion efficiency   from nanobrush targets rise and then stay nearly constant. Considering the realistic number of hot electrons produced by laser-nanobrush and -planar targets interaction, Ka photon yield in nanobrush targets have a significantly enhancement of over 2-6 folds relative to laser-foil irradiation. Laser-Ka photon conversion efficiency  from the nanobrush target decrease gradually with laser strength, but the values are always higher than that from the planar target, and   from the nanobrush target is when  .