

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2011-11-01



时间: 2011-11-01



时 间: 2011年11月3日(星期四)16:00-17:00
地 点: 中心教学楼701
题 目: Non-Covalent Interactions on Graphite
报告人: 孙陈光

In this study non-covalent interactions in the bulk and in adsorbed monolayers on a graphite surface are investigated using a combination of techniques including Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and Diffractions. DSC thermogramsare modelled to characterisethe different mixing behaviours of mixed monolayers. Mixture of undecanoic acid (C11 acid) and undecylamine (C11 amine) in the bulk and the adsorbed monolayer on graphite are investigated as a particularly interesting system due to the formation of molecular complexes on the acid-rich side of the phase diagram. This work also includes more subtle interactions of adsorbed monolayers on graphite of halogen containing organic molecules (iodo-alkanes andbromoalkanes,), the nitrogen containing molecule (4,4-bipyriding (bipy)) and the 1:1 binary mixture of 1, 4-diiodotetrafluorobenzene/bipy.

简 历
孙陈光,男,2007年毕业于英国University of Central Lancashire应用物理系,同年进入University of Cambridge的BP研究所跟随Dr. Stuart Clarke攻读博士学位,2011年11月下旬即将进行毕业答辩。博士期间研究方向:固液界面的物理化学研究。主要使用各种Diffraction技术,包括Synchrotron X-ray和 Neutron Powder Diffraction 来研究石墨和石墨烯表面的adsorbed monolayer的晶体结构以及non-covalent interaction 在晶体结构形成中起到的作用。是目前世界上少数几个使用powder diffraction来研究固液界面的研究小组之一,前组员毕业后多数工作于世界知名的同步辐射光源和散裂中子源(Diamond Light Source, ISIS等)。博士期间曾与neutron specular reflection的发明者Prof. Robert Thomas FRS合作进行过Neutron Powder Diffraction的实验,同时与Prof. Robert Thomas FRS里的组员建立起良好的个人与合作关系。孙陈光在其博士期间,使用Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)等技术来分析石墨和石墨烯表面的monolayer thermodynamic properties,同时建立了一系列模型用来预测与分析不同混合类型在DSC thermogram中的表现。 PUBLICATIONS 1. S.Clarke, T. Friscic, C.Sun, et al. Observation of a two-dimensional halogen-bonded cocrystal at sub-monolayer coverage using synchrotron X-ray diffraction, Chemical Communications 2011, 47, 2526. 2. C. Sun, M. J. Bojdys, S. M. Clarke, et al. Bulk and Adsorbed Monolayer Phase Behavior of Binary Mixtures of Undecanoic Acid and Undecylamine: Catanionic Monolayers, Langmuir 27 (2011) 3626. 3. A.Jefferson, C. Sun, et al.. Decylammonium octanoate, Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online 2011, 67, O655. 4. S.Clarke, T. Friscic, C. Sun, et al. Monolayer structures of 4,4' bipyridine on graphite at sub-monolayer coverage, Molecular Physics 2011, 109, 477. FORTHCOMING 1. C. Sun, S. Clarke et al. The Structure of 1-Bromoheptane and 1-Bromononane Monolayer Adsorbed on the Surface of Graphite. 2. C. Sun, S. Clarke et a.. Adsorbed Monolayers of odd Iodoalkanes on Graphite. Plan to submit it to the journal Langmuirby Dec 2011.
