
bat365正版官方网站“博约学术论坛” - 童庆军-第422期

来源:刘贵斌 作者:童庆军 教授 发布时间:2023-11-23

邀请人: 刘贵斌

报告人: 童庆军 教授

时间: 2023-11-23

地点: 线下-物理实验中心229;线上-腾讯会议号:818-6164-1291





报告人:童庆军 教授




莫尔条纹(moiré pattern)起源于二维层状材料中的原子晶格干涉效应,是其区别于块体材料的显著特征。莫尔条纹中独特的原子结构导致其具有丰富的层间相互作用形式,进而诱导出超越二维材料自身的莫尔物理。本报告将介绍报告人在二维狄拉克材料莫尔条纹中的新奇电子态、二维磁性材料莫尔条纹中的磁纹理等方面所做的系列研究工作,并从原子结构与层间电荷分布等角度探讨莫尔物理的微观起源。


童庆军,湖南大学教授。2013年于兰州大学获得博士学位,导师为罗洪刚与安钧鸿教授。先后在新加坡国立大学(合作导师C. H. Oh)、香港大学(合作导师Wang Yao)从事博士后科研工作。研究领域为凝聚态物理以及量子光学。目前的研究兴趣包括:二维转角材料中的物性设计与调控、平衡与非平衡量子系统中的拓扑物等。以(共同)第一/通讯作者在Nature Physics, Phys. Rev. Lett., Nano Letters等期刊发表多篇论文。


邀请人: 刘贵斌



*TitleMoiré Physics in Two-Dimensional Materials

*Reporter Qingjun Tong

*Time19:00 Nov 9, 2023 (Thursday)

*PlaceRoom 229, Center of Physical Experiments

*Contact Person: Gui-Bin Liu (


"Moiré pattern" originates from the interference effect of atomic lattices in two-dimensional layered materials, distinguishing it as a significant characteristic when compared to bulk materials. The unique atomic structure within the Moiré pattern results in diverse forms of interlayer interactions, thereby inducing "Moiré physics" that transcends the two-dimensional material itself. This report will introduce the speaker's series of research efforts in the context of Moiré patterns in two-dimensional Dirac materials, novel electronic states, and magnetic textures in two-dimensional magnetic materials with a particular focus on the microscopic origins of Moiré physics, including atomic structures and interlayer charge distributions.


Qingjun Tong, a professor of Hunan University, obtained his doctoral degree from Lanzhou University in 2013, under the guidance of Professors Honggang Luo and Junhong An. He subsequently conducted postdoctoral research at the National University of Singapore (in collaboration with Professor C. H. Oh) and the University of Hong Kong (in collaboration with Wang Yao). His research focuses on condensed matter physics and quantum optics. His current research interests include property design and control in two-dimensional twisted materials, as well as topological phenomena in equilibrium and non-equilibrium quantum systems. He has (co-)authored multiple papers as the first/corresponding author in journals such as Nature Physics, Phys. Rev. Lett., Nano Letters, and others.